Il corpo vuoto. Carne e circuiti nell’arte performativa di Stelarc – Camilla Fava – Stratagemmi 34




The problematization of the role of the body is a necessary starting point to understand the contemporary, with regard not only to the artistic practices, but also to the daily ones. The actor, in theatre and performance art, becomes the main agent of a reflection on identity in a world where the body lives through interfaces, fragmented, prosthesized, hybridized with what does not belong to it: robotic, non-organic, virtuality. Works of artists like Stelarc, that studies the augmented possibilities of the body in a physical and virtual way, are useful instruments in order to redefine the borders of what means to be a body in our contemporary from a philosophical point of view. As shown by Stelarc, the concrete experience can reconstruct the sense of technology in relation with mankind: technologies can allow us to live in images and through them, but aware of the changes that our world is submitted to by digital media, which have led to the transmediality of contents: art has changed and enriched our use and comprehension of new technologies.
