Il misantropo nel teatro antico. Alla ricerca di un archetipo – Gianluigi Tomassi – Stratagemmi 15
The type of the misanthropist, a psychologically complex figure, was established and precisely developed in the ancient theatre. The Attic com-edy authors describe the misanthropy as total despite for the human race using the figure of Timon of Athens, famous archetype of a misanthrop-ist, who became protagonist of a dialogue, written during the Imperial Time by Lucian of Samosata and imitated in the Modern Age by Matteo Maria Boiardo and Shakespeare. On the contrary, Cnemon, protagonist of Menander’s Dyscolos, is a brusque man, who doesn’t hate the humans in a way that he cannot deal with other people: in this way he becomes likeable for his public. Some misanthropical elements can also be found in other literary types, such as the titanic sophoclean Philoctetes or, par-ticularly, Plautus’ Euclion, who became a model during the centuries for the theatre authors (for example Molière and Goldoni).