Il racconto d’inverno del Teatro Elfo Puccini, ovvero percorsi della regia contemporanea in Italia – Mariagabriella Cambiaghi – Stratagemmi 24/25




The essay examines the Italian production of The Winter’s Tale, staged in Milan at the Elfo Puccini Theatre on October 2010, with the direction of Elio De Capitani and Ferdinando Bruni. The play, rarely performed in Italy, has been selected by Bruni and De Capitani as a challenge, with their different roles as translators, directors, designers of scenery and costumes, and actors. This new performance was grounded on the contemporary debate on the issues of directing in Italy, a strong philological attention to the text (emphasized by Bruni’s and De Capitani’s translation of the Shakespearean play), the rewriting of the comical scenes; a visual conception of the play. The Winter’s Tale achieved a significant critical attention as a highly individual work in style and stage designing, underlining the relevance of the female characters.
