Scene contemporanee per il Teatro greco di Siracusa. Il gesto scultoreo di Arnaldo Pomodoro – Francesca Serrazanetti – Stratagemmi 29/30
On the occasion of its hundredth anniversary in 2014, the inda (na- tional institute of ancient drama) chooses Arnaldo Pomodoro as of- ficial set-designer of the 50th Cycle of Classical Performances in the Greek theatre of Syracuse. The Pomodoro’s scenic design in Syracuse represents a coherent step in the long path of the artist, starting from Orestea di Gibellina (1983): from the proposed ‘materic’ structures to the creation of a dense array of symbols, the style of Pomodoro is so much recognizable that it almost constitutes a self-quoting.
The present paper aims to highlight how Pomodoro has used the op- portunities offered by a space like the Greek theater of Syracuse, with its strongly evocative relation with the myth, in comparison with the choices made by others who have worked as set-designers for inda’s cycles in the past years, such as M. Fuksas, J. Garcés, R. Koolhaas.