Esercizi di democrazia a teatro: Prometheus in Athens. Rimini Protokoll fra Atene e Milano – Gilda Tentorio – Stratagemmi 22
Prometheus in Athens is an extraordinary performance of Rimini Protokoll given in Athens Theatre Festival, on July 15th 2010. For the German group this has been the first time with an ancient drama, and the result was remarkable. 103 people, a statistical sample of the city, perform the Chorus of Experts of the everyday. After presentation (name, profession, district of residence), each one chooses a colour and a character from the Aeschylean tragedy (Prometheus, Io, Kratos, Bia), then explains the choice – why personal feelings and thoughts seem to be so close to the choosen character. Further on, they have to answer yes/no to many questions about important themes inspired by the tragedy (power, family, work, rights, crisis). Athenians have got the possibility to rediscover themselves in the stage as a mirror. Aim of this paper is to point out the original perspective of Rimini Proto-koll projects, their ‘theatre of reality’ – reality infact is always the frame of RP’s theatrical experiments. First, the paper focuses on the Athenian per-formance, displaying its context and criticalities, press and public feed-back. Two years later, in May 2012, the format has been presented in Teatro Piccolo in Milan, slightly changed, and it has been very interesting to compare the two performances.