Lo spazio prospettico e la sua rappresentazione nella definizione della scena teatrale – Francesca Serrazanetti – Stratagemmi 22




As a representation instrument devoted to create an illusionary space, giv-ing back the three dimensions on a plan surface, perspective is strictly linked to scenography history. The discovery of perspective during the Reinassance has assumed, in the artistic and architectonic fields, a symbolic meaning which could impose its revolutionary strenght guiding not just the representation methods but also the evolution of the idea of the city. In the theatrical field, perspective has been the key to break the limits of the stage. Born as an instrument of representetion of the reality, perspec-tive becomes in its scenographic application the strategy to guide the point of view and change the canonic rules of visual perception all over the history of theatre, especially starting from the fixed scene (XVI cen-tury), and then passing at the mobile one (XVII century).
